Special Projects 2020-2021
Emerging Leaders Program
Cotton Ginning Symposium (Textile Manufacturing Symposium)
Producer Information Exchange (P.I.E.)
Multi-Commodity Education Program (MCEP)
Deere & Company
Cotton Germplasm Collection Support
Cotton Nematode Research and Education Program
Cotton Seedling Disease Research and Education Program
Weed Resistance Learning Module
Dow AgroSciences; Bayer; Syngenta
Advancing Cotton Education (ACE)
Educational Outreach
Bayer; Syngenta; Dow AgroSciences; Valent
Cotton Australia, Cotton Incorporated, National Cotton Council and Cotton Council International
Ongoing Special Project Contributions
Several Foundation members support the NCC-coordinated Beltwide Cotton Conferences -- helping the NCC produce a quality conference with modest attendee registration fees.
The Foundation continues to distribute volumes in its Cotton Reference Book Series, which can be ordered online. The series includes Weeds of Cotton, Cotton Harvest Management, Stress Physiology in Cotton, Flowering and Fruiting in Cotton, Linking Physiology to Management and Boll Weevil Eradication in the United States Through 1999. The Cotton Foundation series reference books can be purchased from the Foundation at http://www.cotton.org/cf/reference-books.cfm.
Some other efforts helpful to cotton's overall research and education effort include the periodic development and distribution of various NCC-produced educational videotapes. The Gin Lab Symposium, sponsored by Delta and Pine Land, Syngenta, and Bayer, aids in familiarizing state land grants extension specialists with post-harvest processes of ginning and textiles to improve appreciation of end user needs.
Awards and Endowments 2020-2021
High Cotton Awards
Farm Press Publications
Robert and Lois Coker Trustees Chair in Molecular Genetics
Endowment: $1,000,000
The C. Everette Salyer Fellowship in Cotton Research is administered by Texas A&M University's Entomology Department which provides more details and a list of previous winners on its website.
Endowment: $300,000
Cottonseed Oil Clinic
Endowment: $60,000