Member Name: H.W.J. Designs
Web Site URL:

Machinery/Equipment Ultraviolet disinfection equipment, Water conditioners, Water softening accessories, Ultrafiltration equipment, Packaged water treatment systems, Collection tanks.

Member Year: 2008-09
Category: Bale Packaging
New CF Site Image:

Project Support

The U.S. cotton industry is enjoying a healthy return on investment from Foundation member support of general projects and special projects. National Cotton Council staff estimates that accounting for cash and in-kind services, the Foundation’s general projects, for example, enjoy a return of about $3 for every dollar devoted to these projects. By supporting these projects, the Foundation is truly fostering innovative: 1) research to find solutions to cotton problems; 2) technology to implement those solutions; 3) education to speed new research application and 4) communication to spread information throughout cotton's production and marketing chain.

Fusarium wilt caused by Fov4 has potential to be devastating to U.S. cotton production.

General Projects 2020-2021

  • Journal of Cotton Science
  • Cotton Pest Loss Survey
  • Enhancing Cotton Industry Education and Information through the National Cotton Council Web Site
  • EPA Residual Risk and Technology Reviews (RTR) for the “Vegetable Oil Production” Source Category (MACT Standards Review)
  • Information and Research on Potential Consumer, Environmental and Workplace Risks
  • Sustainability of U.S. Cotton
  • Verification of Risk Assessment Data and Evaluation
  • Virology of the Cotton Leaf Roll Dwarf Virus
  • Fov4: Threat to Upland Cotton Production
  • Application of the Field Print Calculator for Cotton Production in the Texas High Plains
  • Book Documenting the History of the Pink Bollworm Eradication Program
  • Verification of Risk Assessment Data and Evaluation

Research Screening Committee*

Mr. Jeffrey S. Mink, Chairman, Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc., Memphis, TN
Chad Brewer, National Cotton Council, Cordova, TN
Mrs. Jennifer Crumpler, Bayer CropScience, Southport, NC
Mr. Joel C. Faircloth, Dow Agrosciences, Collierville, TN
Ms. Natalie Hummel, Adama, Raleigh, NC
Mr. Scott A. Kohne, BASF Corporation, Research Triangle Park, NC
Mr. Paul Ollerton, Sunshine Gin, Chandler Ginning Co., Casa Grande, AZ
Ms. Charlotte Sanson, Adama, Raleigh, NC
Ms. Cindy Smith, Gowan USA, LLC, ,
Mr. Russell Sutton, Products by Big 12, dba Consolidated, Lubbock, TX
Mr. Paul D. Vaculin, AMVAC, Collierville, TN
Mrs. Marjory Walker, National Cotton Council, Cordova, TN

Mr. Kater Hake, Cotton Incorporated, Cary, NC

*Each year, the Foundation's Research Screening Committee reviews and prioritizes general project proposals before submitting their recommended project list for approval by the Foundation's trustees at the Foundation annual meeting.


emerging leaders
The National Cotton Council provides Emerging Leader Program participants with communications training and updates on NCC activities in the legislative and regulatory arenas.

Special Projects 2020-2021

Emerging Leaders Program

Cotton Ginning Symposium (Textile Manufacturing Symposium)

Producer Information Exchange (P.I.E.)

Multi-Commodity Education Program (MCEP)
Deere & Company

Cotton Germplasm Collection Support

Cotton Nematode Research and Education Program

Cotton Seedling Disease Research and Education Program

Weed Resistance Learning Module
Dow AgroSciences; Bayer; Syngenta

Advancing Cotton Education (ACE)

Educational Outreach
Bayer; Syngenta; Dow AgroSciences; Valent

Cotton Australia, Cotton Incorporated, National Cotton Council and Cotton Council International

Ongoing Special Project Contributions

Several Foundation members support the NCC-coordinated Beltwide Cotton Conferences -- helping the NCC produce a quality conference with modest attendee registration fees.

The Foundation continues to distribute volumes in its Cotton Reference Book Series, which can be ordered online. The series includes Weeds of Cotton, Cotton Harvest Management, Stress Physiology in Cotton, Flowering and Fruiting in Cotton, Linking Physiology to Management and Boll Weevil Eradication in the United States Through 1999. The Cotton Foundation series reference books can be purchased from the Foundation at

Some other efforts helpful to cotton's overall research and education effort include the periodic development and distribution of various NCC-produced educational videotapes. The Gin Lab Symposium, sponsored by Delta and Pine Land, Syngenta, and Bayer, aids in familiarizing state land grants extension specialists with post-harvest processes of ginning and textiles to improve appreciation of end user needs.

high cotton winners
2020 High Cotton Winners, from left, are cotton producers: Greg Wuertz, Coolidge, Ariz.; Larry Ford, Greenwood, Fla.; Dan Smith, Lockney, Texas; and Matt/Kelly Griggs, Humboldt, Tennessee

Awards and Endowments 2020-2021

High Cotton Awards
Farm Press Publications

Robert and Lois Coker Trustees Chair in Molecular Genetics
Endowment: $1,000,000

The C. Everette Salyer Fellowship in Cotton Research is administered by Texas A&M University's Entomology Department which provides more details and a list of previous winners on its website.
Endowment: $300,000

Cottonseed Oil Clinic
Endowment: $60,000

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