Americot, Inc., headquartered in Lubbock, Texas, provides Southwest, Midsouth and Southeast cotton growers with quality planting seed of varieties that offer high yield potential and excellent fiber quality with the technologies that growers want and need. For more information on Americot brand and NexGen brand cotton products, call 888.678.7333 or go to
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Cotton Foundation Reference Books Series
The Cotton Foundation Reference Books Series is aimed at providing a comprehensive source of information on topics fundamental to efficient U.S. cotton production.
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LINKING PHYSIOLOGY TO MANAGEMENT is our latest addition to the Reference Book Series. This new book is available in an electronic format. Click the link in the table below to navigate to the table of contents.
We are in the process of converting all past Reference Books to digital format. Click on links for titles in the table below to download all or parts of books or to view online.