State-managed pollinator protection plans (MP3s) designed to minimize risks to managed pollinators
Managed Pollinator Protection Plans (MP3s)
Bees that are used to pollinate crops by placement of colonies close to or in the crop areas are recognized as managed pollinators. This group includes managed honey bee hives, but in some instances, other bees are managed for pollinating services. The purpose of MP3s is to minimize risk and manage pollinators through communication and cooperation between different individuals engaged in practices on the farm. These individuals could include the bee keeper, producer, aerial applicator, and others. Clear communication between these individuals can minimize potential risk to bees from crop protection products. Some states have engaged these stakeholders along with the Departments of Agriculture and University Extension Services to develop state MP3s as a voluntary means of mitigating risk to managed pollinators. Below is a list of states with MP3s. For additional information, please contact the state's Department of Agriculture.